Posted May 4, 2015

ARA Members Express Issues, Concerns on Capitol Hill 

The American Rental Association reports that 90 members from 36 states participated in the organization's National Legislative Caucus, an opportunity for ARA members to meet with their U.S. representatives and senators and explain how government policy impacts their businesses. 

Two key focal points this year included permanently extending the Section 179 tax code expensing provision at 2013 levels and obtaining long-term funding for the Highway Trust Fund, which will be insolvent on May 31 if nothing is done. “Public policy is something we all should be aware of and engaged in because it affects us all and in this country, we have the right and duty to participate in the political process,” says Christine Wehrman, ARA executive vice president and CEO. “The value of ARA member presence in Washington, D.C., cannot be underestimated.”

The ARA said its opening sessions on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning were designed to help attendees understand ARA’s position on the issues and how to make the most of their time on Capitol Hill. Speakers gave additional background on key issues and tips for talking with legislators before participants left for appointments made with their elected officials. You can find the association's new release here.